

Durian Pancake 榴莲班戟

弟弟出差的途中看见很多的榴莲,就帮我买了几粒。看着一堆的榴莲,脑海中就浮现了这个 Durain Pancake,故拿了一些来做 Durian Pancake。

Pancake Ingredients:(可制 13 片皮
3 鸡蛋
720ml 鲜奶
1/2 茶匙黄色素(若喜欢)
15 颗榴莲肉

Whipped Cream Ingredients:
200ml Whipping Cream
30g Icing Sugar(若需要,我没有加)

Making Whipped Cream:
 Whipping cream 打发,放在冰箱备用。

Making Pancake:
1. 将鸡蛋、糖粉、牛奶和黄色素搅拌均匀。
2. 慢慢的将面粉倒入,并搅拌至 smooth。最后加入融化的奶油。
3. 将面糊过筛,静置 30 分钟。
4.  non-stick pan 预热, 倒入 1/4 杯的面糊。等面糊熟了,就可以小心的倒在碟里。(只煎一面。)
5. 待冷后,将一大匙的 whipping Cream 放在 Pancake 中间,并放适量榴莲肉,最后在放一汤匙的 whipping Cream 就可以包成四方形。最后放在冰箱,冷的比较好吃。

注:原谱来自 Helena's Kitchen 的 Mango Pancake(芒果班戟 )

Mango Pancake 芒果班戟

Pancake Ingredients:                                                                  
1 Egg
80g Cake Flour,sifted                    
240ml Fresh Milk
16g Butter, melted
20g Icing Sugar
3-4 drops of OrangeFood Colouring, (optional)
2 Mangoes, cut in cubes

Whipped Cream Ingredients:
200ml Whipping Cream
30g Icing Sugar

Making Whipped Cream:
Whip cream and icing sugar together until stiff peak. Refrigerate for later use.

Making Pancake:
1. Whisk together the eggs, icing sugar, milk and food colouring.
2. Slowly add to flour, stirring only until smooth. Blend in melted butter.
3. Sieve the batter and rest for 30 minutes.
4. Cook on a hot, lightly greased (20cm) griddle, using about 1/4 cup of batter for each pancake. Cook until a little dry around the edges, remove the pancake carefully and place it on a big flat plate. (only fry one side)
5. Place one big tbsp of whipped cream in the middle of one (cool) pancake.  place mango slices (cubes)on top of the cream, and top up with a tbsp of cream. Wrap the pancake in rectangle shape

